Dragon quest

دراجون كويست ١١ قادمة لسويتش مع إضافات عدة!

أعلنت نينتندو اليوم عن إصدار جزء دراجون كويست ١١ على جهاز نينتندو سويتش إذا الخريف كما ستحمل اللعبة إضافات عديدة عن نسخة بليستيشن منها قصص إضافية للشخصيات و أصوات اوركسترا و تسريع القتال

و أيضا أضافوا وضع الريترو إذا كنت ترغب في اللعب بالوضع الكلاسيكي للعبة كاملة !

Dragon Quest VII is coming this summer for 3DS

Today at E3 ! Nintendo finally talked about the English version of Dragon Quest VII for 3DS ! 

The game was released long ago in Japan but kept known wether will it come to US or not..

Finally they announce that the game is coming this summer 16 September 2016 is the release date !  

If you miss the show , Check out the official English trailer 

Celebrating 30th Anniversary : Dragon Quest Builders is Coming to NA !

Celebrating the 30th anniversary , today  Playstation official blog has announced that Dragon Quest Builder is finally coming to the west on both PS4 and PSVITA as well !

The game is coming to PSVITA digitally only ( not surprised ;-; ) and for PS4 it will come physical and digital.

Dragon Quest Builder has been released on 28 January 2016 in Japan and it will be release in NA this October without specific date ! ( 10 months difference is not big deal specially if you’re dragon quest fan XD )


A quick info about the gameplay of this game :

Dragon Quest Builders is a sandbox action RPG where your imagination is the limit! Everything plays out in real time and the world is made entirely of blocks  and you can use these blocks to build pretty much whatever you want. Building is easy and can be done in three steps:

  1. Plan what you’re going to build!
  2. Gather your resources!
  3. Begin construction and create your masterpiece!

here’s some pictures of the game ( taken from the Japanese version )

Dragon-Quest-Builders_2015_11-25-15_002 Dragon-Quest-Builders_2015_11-25-15_015 OW0Z1


And if you have no head about the game here’s a short trailer

Keep an eye on us  for more info !